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Friday, May 29, 2009

Play Games in Google Talk

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Play Games in Google Talk

Google released a realtime gadgets API for Google Talk that's especially useful if you want to play games with your friends.

"gadgets.realtime and the APIs built on top of it allow gadget developers to write applications that communicate asynchronously with another endpoint, whether that endpoint is another instance of the application (on another machine, or in another browser, for example), the container hosting the gadget, or an application hosted in the cloud. The obvious application of these APIs is 1:1 gaming -- at its most basic a Tic-Tac-Toe game between two users. However there are many other more complex (and arguably -- depending on your thoughts about games -- more interesting) scenarios that these APIs enable; for instance, a chat application that translates text as participants type it, or a shared whiteboard, or an application that lets a couple choose the best flight for their upcoming vacation."

For now, the APIs are only available in a developer sandbox, which includes a special interface of Gmail Chat. Here's how you can play chess with one of your friends:

* Go to the sandbox and send this link to your friend: .

* When your friend started to use Gmail Chat's sandbox, click on "Options", select "Start application", paste the following address:
and press Enter.

If you don't know how to play chess, try two other applications:

* a very simple rock-paper-scissors game:

* an automatic translation application:

{ via Google Talk Blog. Thanks, Niranjan. }


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Civil War Chess Games

With civil war chess, one can enjoy a classic chess game with a historic bend. The civil war chess games bring famous figures of the American Civil War into your home or workplace. Civil war chess games represent the war fought between the Union troops and the Confederates. Strategy is a clear element in any battle field situation. There is no better game than chess to teach this strategy.

A civil war chess set features a beautiful civil war dimension. It explores an important event in United States history. The chess pieces are the images of great leaders from both sides of the Civil War. These figures include Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, and many others. The commanders come in historically accurate dress, expression and even stature. The rules of civil war chess games are the same as those of conventional chess.

In civil war chess, Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davies are selected as the kings and General Robert E. Lee and General Ulysses S. Grant as the queens. The two bishops symbolize General Wall Jackson and General Sherman with Union and Confederate Calvary as the knights. The castles are the Stars and Stripes as well as the Stars and Bars. The pawns are the Union Drummers and Confederate Buglers.

The civil war chess games are equally good for both chess game lovers and history lovers. It brings the value of real history into a normal game. When the board is totally set, it looks like a real battle field. Every game gives the feeling of a new civil war, and regardless of actual history only the finest standard moves decide the outcomes.

Many dealers offer civil war chess sets in a variety of styles and sizes. Almost all sets contain highly detailed hand-painted statuettes, which provide brilliant artifact value of the many aspects of the US Civil War. Civil war chess sets are perfect gifts for collectors of commemorative items or reproduced relics.

Chess Game provides detailed information on Chess Game, Free Chess Game, Online Chess Games, Free Chess Game Downloads and more. Chess Game is affiliated with Glass Chess Sets.

Medieval Chess Sets

The Middle Ages (or medieval) was a period in history which lasted for approximately a millennium, dated from the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century to the Early Modern Period in the 16th century, with the division of Western Christianity in the Reformation, the era of humanism in the Italian Renaissance, and the beginning of European overseas expansion.

Fantasy by definition is 'the free play of creative imagination'. Fantasy chess sets allow you to play this game with your imagination giving live to some characters that push the limits of 'reality'.

No one said you always have to have a knight that looked like a horse, what about a dragon with the opponent being a skeletal dragon representing the dead? While these may sound a little 'freaky' they are really bold and colorful and fun. Another selection could be the signs of the Zodiac or even an army of adorable little magical winged Fairies! Skeleton slayers and figures from a mythical kingdom with the players from Hades and the Ocean depths are offered as well. The vibrant colors and details make this fantasy series one of the most exceptional collections offering some very unusual and unique sets of chess figures.

A popular design for the fantasy chess fan is medieval chess sets. These types of sets often include dragons, knights, castles, wizards, and horses. Pieces are often made of resin or pewter and often feature accents such as crystals and even gold or silver. These types are some of the most beautiful and stunning and make great displays as well as add excitement to the game. Medieval chess sets are some of the most popular types of board games and are easy to find in a variety online sites.

Marble Chess Sets

Marble chess sets are made up of individually handcrafted chess pieces with the utmost attention to detail. These chess sets come in a variety of colors and the character of this beautiful stone is brought out in the fine grains, and swirls of brilliant colors. A marble chess set can add an element of style and class to a home's décor if the right color is chosen, allowing the chess fan the joy of this wonderful board game as well as displaying an excellent piece of craftsmanship. These classic board games are also very durable and weighted to give each chess piece a superb feel and controlled balance.

For centuries marble has been a choice in fine construction from our monuments to the palaces for royalty. Since it can be carved into a variety of shapes with great attention to detail, the design is only limited by the imagination of the artist working with this elegant stone. Marble has become a favorite medium for Greek and Roman sculptors and architects; this elegant stone has become a cultural symbol that reflects tradition and refined taste. In folklore, marble is a symbol of the astrological sign Gemini. Pure white marble is a sign of purity. It is also associated with immortality, and an insurer of success in the field of education.

Another stone that is very similar in feel and texture is alabaster and it is also beautiful stone that makes a very appealing chess set. So if you are a fan of chess and like the feel and look of stone alabaster or marble is an excellent choice.

Applying Chess Strategies

Applying chess strategies is not a straight forward case. This process appears to run on a more intuitional subconscious level. This can be safely assumed, because many so-called chess kids have outstanding tactical and strategical grasp and they seem to know instinctively what a chess position requires.

Of course they had to practice a few years to learn the rules and get a basic understanding of the game, but after that the truly gifted will develop on their own merits and soon reach astounding levels of playing strength. Some even become grandmasters at fourteen or younger.

At this level chess kids think at lightning speed and do not force themselves to go through each move like a tortoise as some lesser talented players do and the ones who learned the game at a later age. When you learn the game at twenty, your calculation speed is clearly diminished and you can never catch up to the speed at which a chess kid evaluates a chess position, who learned the game at the age of six.

Chess kids memorize and retain chess strategies fast and when you play them, and have learned chess at a later age, then you have a hard time unless you are much older and have the advantage of having more playing experience. But this might not be enough as they have the advantage of superior calculation speed an they can work out more variations within the same amount of time and this might prove decisive.

Chess has a lot do with looking and seeing. Thinking is mostly overrated. Chess is not only about thinking. Either you see the good move or you don't. Thinking alone often doesn't help much. Real talents look and see in a split second. This is applied logic at lightning speed.

You don't have to study to get that. Either you got it or you don't. If you don't have it, you never will catch up and if you study a few hundred years, it won't help much. All good players study chess, this is normal procedure.

Of course you can improve in Chess but only to a certain personal level. The real question is: Where is your personal invisible wall that you can't surpass. The problem with Chess is, that you must be able to find ordinary moves, that don't lose outright or that don't worsen your position.

Only seldom an ingenious move can be played, as this situation doesn't occur often enough. It will not help if you have memorized all the crucial moves of the masters in chess history if you have no routine and can't even play a normal move without giving away slight dynamic or spatial advantages. Those little mistakes add up and soon you will find yourself in a hopeless position and don't even understand how it happened.

All those special crucial moves, which you have embedded in your mind for years will not help you much as the majority of moves are ordinary moves. And it is hard playing an ordinary move without giving away anything.

I was waiting fifteen years to play a certain variation in the Scandinavian defense to play a crucial move. How long will you wait to play a crucial move that you have memorized? Or play something like the Legal's Mate or else...this position might never occur in your life.

Learn Chess using general principles, that can be applied all the time in every game. You can, of course, memorize chess variations but don't expect them to be played. They just should help you to understand a certain opening better and to grasp the ideas behind a certain setup, but don't expect more.

In Chess a lot is left to chance as you cannot work out everything over the board. This is the reason why even in high level Chess surprize moves are bound to happen. No human mind can work out everything over the board. Chess is far too complex for that.

So, the better player will win, as always.

Norbert Thomas - EzineArticles Expert Author

Chess Game Pieces

The game of Chess contains two sets of 16 pieces, made up of one king, one queen, two bishops, two knights, two rooks, and eight pawns -- all having distinct positions on the board. Chess pieces have always been crafted in various styles and materials, giving them not just game value but also a decorative worth.

The latest traditional pieces are very are beautifully carved with intricate and elegant details. These chess pieces are triple weighted, providing a rich feel with excellent balance. The extra wide and oversized profile makes them amazingly striking and excellent for play. They are made in various types of woods such as rosewood and boxwood, red sandalwood and boxwood, ebony and boxwood and even bud rosewood and boxwood.

There is outstanding range of chess pieces in metal and brass. These chess pieces are eloquently sculptured, and beautifully combined with wood. Chess pieces in metal and brass are marvelously crafted, in patterns of different themes such as Egyptian Chess pieces, Samurai Chess pieces, Lansquenet Chess pieces, Napoleon chess pieces, Roman emperor chess pieces, Small Carnelot chess pieces, and Barbarians chess pieces. The theme chess pieces are also hand painted, making them look exquisite and awe-inspiring.

The latest chess pieces are made in plastic that are used for tournaments. These chess pieces are available in combinations of black and ivory, red and ivory, black and caramel and burgundy and caramel. The plastic chess pieces are made from a durable solid plastic and are virtually indestructible. The chess pieces are single weighted and padded with green field paper for balance. These pieces are predominantly used in high-end chess clubs and for international tournaments.

Special Chess pieces are made with a magnetic base, mainly used during travel. Creativity and art has reached its reach peak as far as making of chess pieces are concerned. Many chess pieces are sculptured so finely that they are treasured as family heirlooms.

Chess Game provides detailed information on Chess Game, Free Chess Game, Online Chess Games, Free Chess Game Downloads and more. Chess Game is affiliated with Glass Chess Sets.

Chess Games for Kids

Studies carried out in different countries have clearly shown that chess games build up concentration, perception, self-discipline, planning and much more. In other words, chess games for kids combine developmental thinking and enjoyment.

Kids' chess games undoubtedly raise the intelligence quotient (IQ) scores of kids. They strengthen problem solving skills and the ability to make difficult and abstract decisions independently. Chess puzzles teach children to think logically and efficiently. As they learn advanced techniques from chess books and tutorials, children also pick up the good habit of reading.

Chess games are won or lost due to a tactics mistake. Identifying frequently-occurring tactical ideas is very important to success. Online chess games, chess instructive books, chess puzzles, etc, help kids practice and learn the game. An online chess game is one of the fastest and most enjoyable ways to improve at chess. It provides interactive chess lessons, quizzes, games and puzzles for kids. The kids can play chess against the computer with a variety of chess software packages.

Kids of all levels, from beginners to advanced tournament players, can find many instructive books in the market. In a simple, easy-to-understand format, these books explain different topics such as how to play, basic strategies and advanced tactics. Players can select from these sections according to their needs. For beginners, the first two sections are helpful to understand basic concepts, such as how to utilize a fork, pin, or skewer. The advanced tactics section gives additional information on opening, middle game planning, endgame strategies, piece activity, pawn structure and weak squares.

Many parents are beginning to learn that chess helps to develop the latent skills in children. Every piece on the chess board has a value and some have greater value than others. Losing stronger pieces for lesser ones may cost a player the game. Thus chess brings into focus ideas of mathematics for kids. Chess games for kids thus boost reading, memory, language and mathematical skills.

Chess Game provides detailed information on Chess Game, Free Chess Game, Online Chess Games, Free Chess Game Downloads and more. Chess Game is affiliated with Glass Chess Sets.

Learn Chess Quickly

So you want to learn how to play chess. Chess is a great game. I myself have enjoyed Chess for about seventeen years. It is a game of planning and thought. In time you will be able to anticipate your opponents next move. Maybe even next two or three moves.

Chess has a rich and long history. Chess is the oldest skill game in the world. Chess however, is more than just skill. Just look at the way a chessboard is set up, next learn about the different pieces and how they are used, you will probably notice strong militaristic similarities. The set up is reminiscent of battle field strategy on maps.

Noone can say for sure where Chess originally started. We do know Chess has been played for centuries in countries such as China, India, and Persia. In the eighth century, the Moors invaded Persia. During this time The Moors learned to play Chess. Later when The Moors invaded Spain, they brought Chess with them. Right away the Spanish were playing Chess, and from there it quickly spread throughout Europe.

The names for Chess pieces that we know today originated in Europe. Translating from Persian probably proved to be a tough task for Europeans at the time, hence the names we have today. Today's names aren't very modern, however, a thousand years ago they were an accurate representation of the way people lived in social classifications.

Pawns represent the commoners or pheasants. That's why this is the piece a player has the most of. They were expendable. In the medieval times, serfs(pheasants or commoners) were considered the property of landowners. Life was excruciatingly tough for this class during the medieval times. They were usually worked very hard and died very poor and young. Often they were traded, used as a decoy, sometimes they were even sacrificed so a landowner could escape.

Pawns, who represent the aforementioned commoners, can move forward only. Two spaces on their first move and only one space there after. Once a Pawn reaches the last square of enemy territory it can be traded for a more valuable piece.

The castle piece, commonly known as the Rook, is considered a safe haven or home. The logic behind this being castles were usually were home was made, or were you could at least be safe. In the game of chess each player has two Rooks, one on each end of the board. Rooks can move as many squares as a player would like but, only horizontally, forward or backward, never diagonally.

Next is the oftenly horse head shaped piece called a Knight. This piece would represent army personnel. As with all soldiers their job is to protect persons of a higher rank or importance. Like the Rooks, you have two Knights on the back line behind the front row of pawns. They are second from the end next to the Rooks. Knights are more important than Pawns, but not as important as Bishops, Queens, or Kings. Obviously they're job, just like the Pawns, is the protection of the more important pieces. Knights can only move in the shape of an "L", for a total of 3 squares as long as it's not moved diagonally.

Our next piece is the Bishop, and you can probably guess, this piece represents the church. Religion played a large part in every person's life in medieval times. The church was also a rich and mighty force. So it should be no surprise that a piece that represented religion found its way into the game. Bishop was the name for a higher ranking priest in the Catholic church. And like Rooks and Knights you have two of these as well. They are positioned on the next squares available from the end on either side of the King and Queen. Bishops can only move diagonally as many spaces as they like.

With only two pieces left we will discuss the royalty next. The Queen is the only female piece. The Queen is the most powerful piece, big surprise huh?. Each player only has one Queen. The King was often guided by his Queen's advice. A King could have multiple wives on the side or even imprison them with the approval of the church, he didn't need the Queen's approval either. The stories of a Queen working against or for her King are well noted throughout history in the medieval times, often a Queen carried more power than the King.

Last but not least, we have the King. The King is the tallest piece on the board. Obviously the piece your opposing player wants to capture. Capturing the King is how the game is won. In medieval times, surrendering the King signified the loss of a kingdom. The king is the most important, but not the most powerful piece in chess. If you do not protect your King, you lose the game.

So next time you set up a chessboard, think of chess as a medieval history lesson. The pieces on the board represent a way of life that no longer exists, and the real life drama that occurred in medieval time is now merely a game.

Are you tired of losing? Did you know a few simple changes will drastically improve your game? Don't lose the games you should be winning! Afterall, all you have to lose is another chess match! Learn today and curb your losing way!
Avid Chess Player
Carson E. Koziol

3D Chess Games

From ancient times chess has been considered a game fit for kings, it is an amazing board game that has earned acknowledgment and is still popular among a large group of people. There is good news for chess lovers who can?t find a partner -- thanks to computer technology and 3D Chess games.

These 3D chess games are brilliantly designed with marvelous 3D effects turning a game into an enthralling sight. The beautifully carved chess pieces that are enlivened by reflections on a lacquered board, give a different feel to tactics based games. The game is enabled with features, which allow the players to change the colors of its chess army. Learners find a 3D chess game very useful, as it supplies tips and highlighted possible and impossible moves. The 3D chess game is enabled with an original chess algorithm, and draws upon a huge game archive, which helps it adjust the tactics and decide the best move. The 3D game is also enhanced with functions, where the player can complicate the game, setting the time limit per move and even a limit for the whole game. The other features include an opportunity to change the game skin, to keep a correct game notation and visualize the pieces removed from the game.

Many different companies have come up with innovative games. These 3D chess games are compatible with any Intel or AMD based computer processes, with a 200MHz processor. A 3D graphic card will enable the 3D chess to take and additional advantage of offering the latest DirectX technologies, including realistic shading, lighting and anti-analyzing graphics. These latest 3D chess games are also feature high-resolution graphics up to 1600x1200 at 32-bit color along with 4x Anti-Aliasing for images that are sharp and smooth. The spectacularly crafted breathtaking 3D graphics can be viewed from any angle, and can also be zoomed.

Playing a 3D chess game is a splendid experience for the players, the game is exclusively designed for players who are masters in both chess combination and chess ambience.

Chess Game provides detailed information on Chess Game, Free Chess Game, Online Chess Games, Free Chess Game Downloads and more. Chess Game is affiliated with Glass Chess Sets.

Free PDA Chess Games

If you want to play the full version PDA or pocket PC chess games free, there is a world of freeware downloads waiting for you. Most freeware sites offer downloads that are compatible with all the major brands of PDAs (personal digital assistants). Free version PDA chess game downloads are simple and fast. Demo versions of PDA chess games can also be downloaded from the Internet. Players need to register the downloaded demo version in order to get full access.

Free smart phone or PDA chess games are perfect for travelers, regardless of age. They can make the journey enjoyable and constructive. The games provide the full range of levels, including beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. They have degrees of complexity and excellent graphics. The rules and chess pieces of PDA chess games are the same as that of conventional chess.

PDA chess games give top class strength and features to hand sets. They offer a chess engine to learn and analyze the game. PDA chess software provides many features for beginners to learn and improve their game. The game has facilities to point out mistakes and give hints. Most PDA chess software can be interfaced with desktop software. Hence this software may be used on both computers and handsets.

PDA chess programs run fast with full features on pocket PCs. The performance of chess software varies, depending on the processor speed and the PDA operating system version. Hence the user must check the product for satisfactory operation on the pocket PC before purchase. Almost all computer chess game manufacturers offer PDA chess games.

In short, if you want to play the full version of your favorite chess game, you can do it with your PDA, conveniently and privately. Free downloads of pocket PC chess games are one of the best uses for your palm pilot. Rather than paying notice to what is going on around you, spend your time enjoying the free PDA chess.

Chess Game provides detailed information on Chess Game, Free Chess Game, Online Chess Games, Free Chess Game Downloads and more. Chess Game is affiliated with Glass Chess Sets.

Basic Chess Tactics to Improve Your Game

Chess game is all about creative strategies and good tactics above all. Both of the players command an army of 16 chess pieces each. Each player maneuvers the 16 pieces to carry out an attack, defense, and counterattack. Coming up with tactics and strategies to improve your game is very important especially when your goal is to win.

When the game begins, do not hold back your pieces nor think of saving them in the end. You need to aggressively get them out providing that you are keeping in mind the reason of that movement you did. As the game progresses, keep on advancing your pieces to reach your goal such as cornering your opponent's king or queen or performing a checkmate which will end the game making you win it. There are few tactics that can help you improve your game of chess. So, move on reading below if you want to know them.

The first basic tactic is planning. Every step you will take needs proper planning. Planning every movement of your pieces will help you stay on track and improve your chess game. Each of your pieces must work together as a team and you as their coach so that their strengths can support one another.

Next basic tactic is by knowing each piece's worth. You should always consider the value of your pieces that you are sacrificing or giving up to your opponent. Remember that the player who has the most number of great value pieces has the most significant advantages to win too.

Another one is that you should always consider and think carefully your opponent's move. Their strategy will somehow be revealed to you base on his or her movement. You need to think carefully why your opponent move his or pieces that way. In this way, you can know and anticipate his or her next move.

You should also develop and advance well in a fast manner. Your pieces should always be ready for action. In this way, they can be able to control the course of the game quickly. You need your pieces to be positioned strategically as soon as possible so that you could execute your plan quickly before your opponent.

At all times, you should always look out for your king. You need to always keep your king safe. The game's objective is to capture or checkmate your opponent's king. So if your king is captured, you lost the game. Make the best possible movement available for your pieces too. You should always keep in mind that whatever movement you will execute, can help you improve your position in the game and will not endanger valuable pieces as well.

Be very extra alert, no matter what. Never relax even though you have strategically positioned your pieces. Keep yourself calm when presented by unexpectedly hard problem. Observe and study your opponent's movements and threat so you can anticipate his or her next move.

In addition to the above mentioned tactics, controlling the four centermost spaces is also very useful especially when moving and capturing the most pieces. You can have a better control of the game by doing this.

So, happy playing of chess and enjoy your every movement.

Everything you want to know about Chess can be found at chess blog including chess tactics and chess strategies.

How to Improve Your Chess

If you want to improve your chess, be aware that there are no secret Russian training methods variations or openings that will help you to win more games. There is no magic formula for improvement. It is just a lot of hard work. This is probably not what you want to hear.

If you like to improve seriously, you should play mainline openings that are reputable and respected. Once learned you can use this knowledge well for years to come, you just have to keep up to date on the theory of those. Play what the grandmasters play as they don't play bad opening stuff.

After all they play for money, Elo rating points and prestige. If you play some bad lines, dubious gambits and other weak stuff, this will not be beneficial for you in the long run.

A lot of players think, that they are "attacking players" and sacrifice a pawn right away in the opening, playing a dubious gambit. But after that they spend the rest of the game trying to justify the loss of this pawn, because they don't know how to keep the initiative and their compensation they might have had, just deteriorates and then they lose the endgame having a pawn less and have to resign.

Many dubious openings can't be refuted outright, but there are reasons why they are not played by grandmasters.

Ordinary players will try to refute unusual and dubious-looking opening setups, but grandmasters will just play good, strong chess as always and accumulate just slight advantages and after that, they win with their superior technique.

Norbert Thomas - EzineArticles Expert Author

Blindfold Chess

A chess player plays chess at the same time (simultaneous) against many other chess players but has no sight of the chess boards. He can't look at the chess positions as he is blindfolded and he is being told the moves by another person. This forces the player to keep an accurate mental image of each chess position on all boards at the same time.

The blindfolded player is usually a chess grandmaster and his opponents are local amateur chess players from chess clubs. Today any strong chess player can at least play one game blindfolded.

Buzzecca played 1266 blindfold chess against 2 strong players in Florentine.
In the 18th century François-André Danican Philidor played blindfold against three players.
In the 19th century the american chess genius Paul Morphy played 8 blindfold games at the same time.
Others followed like Louis Paulsen, Joseph Henry Blackburne and Johannes Zukertort.

In the 20th century the number of games increased. Harry Nelson Pillsbury (20 games), Richard Réti, Gyula Breyer, Alexander Aljechin (26 games) and Miguel Najdorf (40 games) gave blindfold exhibitions.

The highest number of blindfold games were played 1961 by George Koltanowski who played blindfolded 56 chess players at the same time . He won 50 games and 6 were drawn, but his opponents were beginners.

János Flesch gave a blindfold exhibition on 17. October 1960 in Budapest. He played 52 opponents. (31 wins, 3 losses, 18 draws). 1930 blindfold exhibitions were considered as harmful for mental health and were officially banned in the USSR.

It is known that after the blindfold exhibition, the chess positions of all games still rest in the grandmasters mind for some hours or even days. This is quite uncomfortable. It is sensible to refrain from playing too many blindfold games to avoid mental disorders as this requires tremendous visualization abilities which put a lot of strain on the mind.

Norbert Thomas - EzineArticles Expert Author

Luxury Chess Sets

There no better way to show your appreciation for that chess player in your life than to get them a beautiful luxury chess set. These luxury games are just the thing for that player who would like to enjoy his or her favorite game in a whole new light. Chess lovers both young and old will certainly applaud the gesture, because these sets are a sight to behold. What makes these sets so special? Well, let's take a look at some of the options you have available to you when choosing one of these lovely sets and find out for ourselves.

Perhaps the most intriguing thing about choosing a luxury set is just the sheer number of materials that you can choose from. One of the materials that you may want to consider is marble. Marble sets have a very polished and stylish look to them, and gazing at the swirl of the colors in the marble can be mesmerizing. Another type of material that you may choose is alabaster. Alabaster also looks just as nice as the marble finish and has a beautiful shine when the light hits it also. Glass is a very clean and beautiful material to use as well, and the different shades of the glass that is used provides a very different look. All of these are excellent choices for materials for chess sets, and they all offer a different spin on the standard game of chess that players are accustomed to.

Luxury chess sets can also come in different varieties of metals such as brass and steel. Besides all of the different materials that may be involved, there are other things that can factor into making these sets stand out from the rest. The shapes and sizes of the pieces can also be very unique. If you are looking for a certain theme for your chess experience, you may very well be able to find it. Different themes ranging from movies, television shows, and even real life battle scenes can be incorporated into these very unique sets. Whichever type of theme you are looking for, odds are there is one that will perfectly suit you or that special chess player in your life.

Staunton luxury chess sets make the ideal gift for the chess fan!

Electronic Chess Boards

Chess is a very popular and highly competitive game that has players battling it out using brains instead of brawn. Traditionally, the game is played on a game board that is made out of various materials including different types of wood, stone, or metal. The game pieces are also constructed of those same types of materials. However, players who are looking for a more updated take on the game may choose to dive into the world of electronic chess sets. Some people may say that the inclusion of anything electronic takes away from the true spirit and nature of games, and in many cases they may be correct. Electronic chess boards are rare though in the fact that they can be used to make a player progress faster while understanding the nuances of the game. They can actually enhance a player's enjoyment of the game they love so much.

These games accomplish this by offering up many different ways to figure out a player's strengths and weaknesses. They can have digital displays that offer players advice as well as warn them of imminent attacks on their important pieces. By doing this, a player can learn what to do as well as what not to do. All of this can translate from an electronic board over to an actual game board, and make the player a much more complete and well rounded player. You can also track your wins and losses to help you measure your progress along the way. All of these reasons make electronic chess boards well worth purchasing for yourself, or a friend or family member that loves chess.

On top of all of that, there is also the matter of convenience. Seeing as how you can basically take these electronic chess boards wherever you go it makes them a very attractive option for the people who travel frequently but would still like to enjoy a game while on the road. Some of these boards offer the ability to not even use actual game pieces, which makes it even less of a hassle to take with you in your travels. The fact that you can play by yourself is great if there is nobody around to challenge. After taking all of these great benefits into consideration, picking up an electronic chess board is a very easy decision. Your overall game will improve, and you will have a lot of fun in the process.

Electronic chess boards allow you to improve your chess game even without a partner!

Electronic Chess Boards By Lindy SmartChess is a very popular and highly competitive game that has players battling it out using brains instead of bra

Chess is a very popular and highly competitive game that has players battling it out using brains instead of brawn. Traditionally, the game is played on a game board that is made out of various materials including different types of wood, stone, or metal. The game pieces are also constructed of those same types of materials. However, players who are looking for a more updated take on the game may choose to dive into the world of electronic chess sets. Some people may say that the inclusion of anything electronic takes away from the true spirit and nature of games, and in many cases they may be correct. Electronic chess boards are rare though in the fact that they can be used to make a player progress faster while understanding the nuances of the game. They can actually enhance a player's enjoyment of the game they love so much.

These games accomplish this by offering up many different ways to figure out a player's strengths and weaknesses. They can have digital displays that offer players advice as well as warn them of imminent attacks on their important pieces. By doing this, a player can learn what to do as well as what not to do. All of this can translate from an electronic board over to an actual game board, and make the player a much more complete and well rounded player. You can also track your wins and losses to help you measure your progress along the way. All of these reasons make electronic chess boards well worth purchasing for yourself, or a friend or family member that loves chess.

On top of all of that, there is also the matter of convenience. Seeing as how you can basically take these electronic chess boards wherever you go it makes them a very attractive option for the people who travel frequently but would still like to enjoy a game while on the road. Some of these boards offer the ability to not even use actual game pieces, which makes it even less of a hassle to take with you in your travels. The fact that you can play by yourself is great if there is nobody around to challenge. After taking all of these great benefits into consideration, picking up an electronic chess board is a very easy decision. Your overall game will improve, and you will have a lot of fun in the process.

Electronic chess boards allow you to improve your chess game even without a partner!

Importance of Improving Your Chess Tactics By Kim L Smith Platinum Quality Author

Chess is an age old game that people have enjoyed playing for centuries. However, everyone that plays the game of chess knows how important tactics are in being able to win the games that you are playing. One thing that people might not realize is how they can improve on their chess game. Here are some of the methods that I have found that help improve your game.

The first method is by being able to study books. Now you might not realize that books can help you improve, but if you consider that when you went to school you had to use books then you will realize that they can help you here as well. You just have to read them and do the problems that they present at the end of the chapters to get the most improvement for your game.

The second method that you can use is by playing the games and learning from the mistakes that you make. Now if you are easy to discourage then you will not want to use this method because the old saying of practice makes perfect would mean you will end up losing some games before you finally end up finding your mistakes. However, this is the best method that will help you see how you will respond to certain situations which can help you learn as well.

While many people will want to improve their game of chess they might not realize how to go about doing that. I know that a couple of methods is by practicing in which you might lose games, and by studying books which will test your ability to predict moves properly which can help you get your game improved greatly.

Kim's husband loves playing chess and has started getting her to play chess and she has been improving her game slowly. If you want more information on how to improve your chess However, if you are looking for a great online location to play some chess either in live games or online chess that is played almost like email you will want to visit this site to play for free play chess today

Alabaster Chess Sets

If you are an avid chess player, you know how rewarding the game can be. It can provide an endless amount of entertainment and can be enjoyable for people of all ages. It really is a game that knows no social boundaries and the epic battles of the mind keep players coming back again and again. If you are a serious player, you know that Staunton chess sets are the only ones that are allowed in formal competitions. Therefore, you probably own one or have at least had the pleasure of playing on one. If you are looking to mix it up a little and play with a set that brings a certain degree of elegance to the game, then why not get yourself an alabaster chess set and give it a try.

Alabaster chess sets have been around for years and is a very unique material to use for chess sets. Alabaster has a very soft and shiny look to it, and this really makes the chess pieces come to life. These sets can come in virtually any color, and can also come in the form of a very translucent glassy look. The light beams off of these sets, and they really do have a classy look and feel. The alabaster chess boards can be particularly beautiful. You won't find a more eye catching and mesmerizing set to play with.

Different types of alabaster can scratch easier than others, so you may want to do your homework to make sure that you are getting exactly the set that you want. For most hardcore players this won't be an issue, because they will consider this set an investment that they will want to keep in pristine condition. Chipping can also be an issue, so this may not be the starter set that you would like to get for a small child. As long as the set is treated with respect, there really shouldn't be any issues though.

Playing chess is quite a bit of fun, and having an alabaster chess set will only accentuate that fact. Just picture a nice, quiet setting with the elegant shine coming off of these beautiful pieces. This is also the perfect gift idea for someone you know that is really into chess, and they will certainly appreciate you for it. One look at the beauty of this set, and you may find yourself wanting to learn the game if you haven't already.

Looking for a unique chess set? Try an alabaster chess set.

Computerized Chess Boards

When most people think about chess, they envision two people sitting opposite one another while squaring off in an epic dual of thought. While that is the most common form of this game of strategy, there is no denying that it has come a long way since its inception. A great example of this is computerized chess boards. These boards certainly offer a different experience than the one that most players are accustomed to. There are many reasons to own one of these computerized chess boards, but to truly appreciate them it helps to understand some of the reasoning that they were brought to life in the first place.

Surprisingly enough, the idea behind computerized chess has been around long before an actual computer was ever built. While the idea was there, the concept never came to life until the advent of the digital computer. Since then, there have been many different forms of computerized chess and for numerous different reasons. Some want the ultimate challenge and feel that an artificially intelligent player would provide that. Others just want to play a game of chess by themselves to practice, or simply want to play when other opponents may not be available. Then there are those that want to take the game with them when they travel, but don't want to be hassled by dragging the traditional sized board and pieces around.

Whatever your reasoning may be for wanting one of these computerized chess boards, you are sure to find a great deal of enjoyment out of them. They also offer a way to play the game in ways you may have not thought possible. For instance, you can choose to play with or without actual game pieces. Also, the computer can keep tabs of your record and even evaluate your performance. These types of options make this a great purchase for newer players and players who simply want to improve their overall game. Having the computer show you your weaknesses will only help you to become a much stronger player in the long run. You will learn many new tactics that will have you looking forward to the next time you play a real life opponent.

It's apparent that the game of chess will continue to evolve, and if the result of that evolution brings such welcomed advancements to the game that computerized chess boards have, then every player should be excited about the future of this awesome game.

How to Master Chess Through Personal Development - Part 3

Phase 3 - Building a Task List

Welcome back!

When last we met, we discussed constructing two lists with the end purpose to reduce those lists to Listof flaws which we now need to go off and fix.

All-righty, then. You currently have one single list - and its contents attest quite loudly as to why you are not the demon of a chess player that you would like to be. The items on this list are - and have always been - barriers to your progress.

But cheer up - because the list of the issues before you offer up a choice. You can play ten thousand games of chess per year - for many years - and get past these problems. Trouble is - unless you are a budding grand master - you've got a life!

Or, you can take a short cut and conclude that - if you haven't the time to fix your chess - you'll have to make some time to fix your self. Hence, the purpose of this article. We'll talk later about just how EASY this is - but for now - we've got a task list to develop.

Your task list will clearly spell out the required tasking you'll need to commit to, in order to erase your flaws and to approach the chess board with confidence. Don't let this frighten you too much, though. I promise that the process is simplicity itself.

Let us begin by understanding the value of the work you've completed so far. The list that you constructed has only those items on it which either are a problem, standing between you and a great chess game - OR - that you FEEL are a problem, standing between you and a great chess game. Every attribute that compliments your ability to play chess like a master has been extracted from the list. Only the flaws - in need of repair - have been retained.

Of course - some of the items now on this list are imaginary - and some are quite real.

Either way - the problem is the same. If you perceive it as a problem, it is as great a barrier as the real thing - maybe more - since it is in your mind and cannot be as easily confronted as a real world problem can.

To illustrate that statement, let us consider a fear of heights. This is not the same as the fear of falling - even though the two concepts are closely.

Anyone who works in the heights knows that the fear of falling is quite real. What do they do? They take precautions. They undergo special training. They wear safety harnesses. They wear parachutes if necessary - but because the fear is real it can be addressed using real tools from the actual world.

HOWEVER - the fear of heights is all in the mind. True - the plane might fall - or your harness might break, but that hasn't happened yet, and in general it NEVER happens (planes and harnesses are designed to be safe) - so the fear is an irrational one.

A harness will not put such a person at ease. Nor will a parachute calm their fears. That's because neither of these addresses the root of the problem - which is of course - that the plane is in the heights! To address this problem, you've got to put the plane down - or to get the patient to change his mind about how he feels about heights! In other words, you've got to change the patient - NOT change the conditions.

That's precisely where we are with your problems, you see. If you are timid, or confused, or lack confidence during chess play - there certainly is no reason to be. Nobody is going to shoot you at dawn if you lose. Fortunately, you can change the way you respond to the chessboard simply by changing YOU.

That this is doable is not even open for debate. It has BEEN doable for many decades now. The job before you now - is to decide what areas MUST be fixed immediately - and what areas can wait till later. What areas will give you the most bang for your buck?

By properly organizing your list - the answer will be clear. So, set the list into four separate categories. Let these be named:


Once you have indicated severity for each item on your entire list, this step will be finished. Sort the list according to severity and store it safely away. It is now time to take stock of where we are.

You have all of the requirements to make the repairs on yourself. You know what's broken about yourself- and you know the nature of the problem. You know what's of critical priority - and what is of low priority. Now, you can now research some tools that have a targeted ability to fix each problem and you can begin preparations to make the repairs.

So - grab the utmost serious deficiency from the top of your list and meet me in part 4 - the final installation of this article. That's where we will discuss how to deal with this problem.

Mason is a professional Engineer who administrates the onsite chess training gymnasium at The site provides training tools, exercises and advice for chess players who wish to improve their chess expertise by training their mind - as opposed to by studying chess books alone. The site is also a one-stop-shop from which other chess and self-help resources can be reached.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Chess Philippines


Ito ay isang board game meant para sa dalawang tao.

The Game ay play sa isang parisukat na board na tinatawag na isang chessboard, na binubuo ng 64 black and white squares itakda Bilang kahalili, na may 32 piraso (chessmen), na kung saan ay kalahati ng ilaw at ang iba pang mga kalahating maitim (na tinatawag na itim at puti kahit na ano ang kulay nila ay).

Ang kalagayan ng bawat square ay natukoy sa pamamagitan ng tiyak na mga coordinates na binubuo ng mga titik at numero. Ang mga titik at numero ay inilalagay sa paligid ng chessboard.

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