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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Alabaster Chess Sets

If you are an avid chess player, you know how rewarding the game can be. It can provide an endless amount of entertainment and can be enjoyable for people of all ages. It really is a game that knows no social boundaries and the epic battles of the mind keep players coming back again and again. If you are a serious player, you know that Staunton chess sets are the only ones that are allowed in formal competitions. Therefore, you probably own one or have at least had the pleasure of playing on one. If you are looking to mix it up a little and play with a set that brings a certain degree of elegance to the game, then why not get yourself an alabaster chess set and give it a try.

Alabaster chess sets have been around for years and is a very unique material to use for chess sets. Alabaster has a very soft and shiny look to it, and this really makes the chess pieces come to life. These sets can come in virtually any color, and can also come in the form of a very translucent glassy look. The light beams off of these sets, and they really do have a classy look and feel. The alabaster chess boards can be particularly beautiful. You won't find a more eye catching and mesmerizing set to play with.

Different types of alabaster can scratch easier than others, so you may want to do your homework to make sure that you are getting exactly the set that you want. For most hardcore players this won't be an issue, because they will consider this set an investment that they will want to keep in pristine condition. Chipping can also be an issue, so this may not be the starter set that you would like to get for a small child. As long as the set is treated with respect, there really shouldn't be any issues though.

Playing chess is quite a bit of fun, and having an alabaster chess set will only accentuate that fact. Just picture a nice, quiet setting with the elegant shine coming off of these beautiful pieces. This is also the perfect gift idea for someone you know that is really into chess, and they will certainly appreciate you for it. One look at the beauty of this set, and you may find yourself wanting to learn the game if you haven't already.

Looking for a unique chess set? Try an alabaster chess set.

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